Málaga Acoge and Moneytrans, together for immigrant employment!

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Solidarity is about understanding that we can make great changes for those that surround us, no matter how small the contribution is. And since our creation, at Moneytrans, we have always wanted to be part of the change!


Together, for more inclusive societies

Since Moneytrans started its project in Málaga, in Spain, we always knew that we wanted to keep conveying our vision: to support those who decided to migrate to other countries in search of a better future! That is why, in recent years, we have been looking for ways to have a positive impact, especially on the migrant community, wherever we are!

“For some time now, we have been looking for associations to work with in order to have a social impact in Málaga. Most people need to find a job when they arrive in a country” – Leticia Carbajo, Country Manager of Moneytrans Spain.

Malaga Acoge y Moneytrans


And we found that association! Today, on International Human Solidarity Day, we would like to share with you some great news: Moneytrans has signed a collaboration agreement with the association Málaga Acoge to keep supporting immigrant employment in Spain!

Málaga Acoge is an association that, with the help of volunteers, has been working since 1990 to promote the immigrant’s cause in the province of Málaga. We instantly got along as their values are similar to ours and as we fell in love with the wonderful work they’re undertaking to transform society! That is why we signed a collaboration agreement to help organise a course on the prevention of the professional risks linked to the construction and masonry sectors in which fifteen young immigrants have taken part! The training, which took place last November, lasted two weeks during which the participants were able to learn more about a sector that is growing again on the Costa del Sol. And there is no doubt that this training is one of the first steps in the integration of many young immigrants who have just arrived in the country. It is also an open-door to new opportunities, a door that, associations such as Málaga Acoge, are trying to keep open every day. We could not be prouder to collaborate with them!

Moreover, during the breakfast meeting with our Country Manager, Leticia Carbajo, we had the pleasure to watch videos from the Gente Apañá campaign: a special campaign which tells the stories of several young people who have found work in Málaga and of some of the entrepreneurs with whom they collaborate!


Moneytrans, transforming society

Throughout these 20 years in the remittance sector, we have been able to hear incredible stories of surpassing oneself from immigrants with whom we work every day. That’s why, at Moneytrans, we decided that we wanted to go further by carrying out solidarity actions and projects to support them in every step of this great adventure that is life!


Find out more about our solidarity projects and don’t hesitate to JOIN US!

Picture of Moneytrans


The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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