Intercultural couples tell us their love stories!

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194 countries in the world. More than 770 million people with different languages, cultures and religions… And love always finds its way! Because love knows no frontiers, at Moneytrans we want to show it! That’s why on Valentine’s Day, we have talked to some of our colleagues about their love stories. So today, we would like to tell you the story of 3 intercultural couples who are proving that love is stronger than anything else!


Historia de amor entre España e Italia



Luis is Spanish, Anabella is Italian and their story was love at first sight! They met in Spain by pure coincidence and they are showing that if you want, you can! Today, 6 years later, they tell us their story! 


How did you two meet 

Well, Málaga has many good things, especially the feria! Who would have believed that? Among so many people… Fate put us in the same place that day for a reason! It was a coincidence; Anabella was only staying in Málaga for a few days. We met each other and two days later, she had to go back to Italy. For those who don’t believe in love at first sight, we can assure you that it exists! So, in August, we celebrate twice: the feria and our anniversary! 


What is the best thing about being in an intercultural relationship? What is the most difficult?  

Getting to know another culture, another way of life, a gastronomy, customs, diverse people, amazing places in another country… But the best thing is to be able to share all of this with the perfect person. The most difficult was the distance, since at the beginning we were separated for more than a year. I was in Spain, she was in Italy. But there is a bright side to this: we travelled a lot!  


What about the language, the culture, do you have any anecdotes?  

So many! Believe it or not, the Italian and Spanish languages, although quite similar, have a huge number of words that do not have the same meaning. Sometimes, we take advantage of this similarity between the two languages to make up words thinking that this is how we say it in the other language. However, it is very often far from reality! Laughs are guaranteed, especially when you try to speak in front of your family-in-law! 


Which part of your partner’s culture do you value most?  

A lot of them! Italians, in general, are very welcoming and make you feel at home. They are helpful, proud of their country, of their history, of their art and above all, of their spectacular cuisine. Who does not like pizza or pasta?


Any advice for our readers?  

If you want, you can! The distance between two people is physical. There are no cultural barriers, what really matters is where your heart is! 



Historia de amor entre Marruecos y España



Our colleague Sabrine is Moroccan and Oliver is Spanish. The least we can say is that it didn’t start so well at first. But even the best love stories begin as least you expect them to! ?


How did you two meet?

More than four years ago, on New Year’s Eve, we met at a gas station where everyone was filling up and we had an argument. A few days later, we met there again by chance (because we were living in the same neighbourhood), he apologized and invited me to have a coffee that we ended up drinking at this very gas station. That’s how it all started!


What is the best thing about being in an intercultural relationship? What is the most difficult? 

We have always believed that diversity enriches! We have never stopped being curious to know more about each other’s customs and traditions. The most difficult thing is that, although I’ve been living in Spain for 21 years, I always feel nostalgic when I think about my family, especially when they’re going through difficult times and I can’t be with them. My partner really tries to make things easier for me!  


What about the language, the culture, do you have any anecdotes? 

Not from my side because I have spent half of my life here. However, he has a lot of anecdotes about our trips in Morocco, especially at the customs and in the restaurants!


Which part of your partner’s culture do you value most? 

I would say the love and great respect he has for his parents. It’s very important in my culture!  


Any advice for our readers? 

To show empathyto put yourself in the other person’s shoes to understand their anxieties and reasons in each situation. Don’t forget to be patient, it is necessary to get used to each other’s way of being since in our case, we have different religions and customs.




Brenda is Argentinian and our colleague David is Spanish. If we asked David which is the craziest thing he has ever done for love, Brenda would surely come to his mind! Today, after 15 years together, we are sure that taking the risk was worth it! 


How did you two meet? 

Back in 2004, we were co-workers although we had never spoken. One day we all went for a drink at a nearby bar. After talking for a while, she told us that she was thinking of going back to her country, Argentina. At that moment, I had a strange feeling, like emptiness, and I went for it: “If you’re going back to Argentina, I’m going with you”. And this is what happened!

We came back to Spain a month later, we moved in together, and we are still together!


What is the best thing about being in an intercultural relationship? What is the most difficult?

The best thing has been to get to know a new culture, places and especially, new people. Travelling to Argentina every few years and enjoying its landscapes and the love of the people is fantastic!

Regarding the most complicated thing, I would say not being able to be with your loved ones in difficult moments and feeling that your partner is sad about it.


What about the language, the culture, do you have any anecdotes?

Language has never been a problem, except for the differences we have when naming some objects, but little by little you get used to speaking in an Argentinian-Spanish mixture that we find very nice. Sometimes, because of the speed of speech in Andalusia, it’s a bit hard to make yourself understood, but with time we have improved the communication between us!


Which part of your partner’s culture do you value most? 

The passion for life in every situation, new projects, etc. I think this is a very positive cultural aspect of the Argentinian people! 


Any advice for our readers?

Patience is key to get through difficult moments and homesickness. Also tolerance and empathy, which are essential t

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The Moneytrans team has been specialising in financial services for migrant communities around the world for more than 20 years.

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